• Water

    Access to safe water supply and adequate sanitation are important and fundamental to ensuring the protection of public health and promoting socio-economic development. Integrated water resources management also ensures Economic Efficiency, Social Equity, and Sustainability of Ecosystem. Weircapacity offers experience and expertise in an array of services in the Water Sector, to meet Social, Economic, and Environmental Sustainability.
  • Environment

    At weircapacity, environmental sustainability is seen as the most critical component of every project, and we are committed to environmentally sustainable development path for energy and infrastructure provision.
  • Infrastructure

    The availability of integrated physical infrastructure is critical to economic growth and development, and the overall quality of life depends on infrastructure services. Infrastructure is a key area of focus at Weircapacity, and we provide innovative solutions with the needed capacity building in specialized areas for conceptualization, planning, development, financing, and management.
  • Reform

    Continuous improvement in the performance and quality of services require consistent monitoring, benchmarking, and change management. We provide support for strategic reform and implementation of change management processes, for the consistent advancement of human and institutional capacity for efficient, effective and sustainable service delivery.


Consultancy & Advisory

In today’s dynamic world, we help organizations maximize performance, amplify impact, and achieve tangible results. Leveraging our extensive experience working with clients across various industries and throughout Africa, we apply innovative methods and technologies to help you develop effective and sustainable solutions.

Capacity Building

Continuous human and institutional capacity improvement. Every project presents an opportunity for knowledge sharing and the ongoing enhancement of human and institutional capabilities.


Let us help you move your projects forward Helping the right projects access finance.


We build infrastructure that gives value for money Design, financing and construction.